A TRUSTWORTHY Investigation FIRM in Ontario

About Us

Bigelow Accident Reconstruction Inc. Is a Consulting Engineering firm based in Ontario. We have provided expert assistance to numerous clients in the legal and insurance professions since 1994. We promise to dedicate our full and our personal attention to you. We have reliable skills and sound abilities to understand technical factors of your case. Most importantly, we also demonstrate our findings expertly and clearly to the courts, or to the trier of fact overseeing your case.


Neil J.Bigelow, P. ENG.

Mr. Bigelow is president of the firm Bigelow Accident Reconstruction Inc. and specializes in motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian collision reconstruction and cause analysis. Mr. Bigelow also specializes in the evaluation of personal injury accidents. Mr. Bigelow is a licensed Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario and is a designated Consulting Engineer. He has attended mediation and arbitration hearings and has been qualified as an expert witness at several trials in Provincial and Superior Court of Ontario.

Edwin Wang, P. ENG.

Mr. Wang is a senior Engineer with the firm Bigelow Accident Reconstruction Inc. who specializes in reconstruction and cause analysis of motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian collisions. Mr. Wang is a licensed Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario and he holds a Master of Applied Science degree in Mechanical Engineering
